This was one of those days when you had to be there to really get it.
Pastor Jeronimo was preaching at the big church in Dondo. It was an unusal thing for Val and I to be in Dondo on Sunday but we had visitor's who were leaving and their main work was in the Villa so we went to honor our visitors and gave them a chance to say their good-bye's.
The message was one we have all heard before. The words of God that ring through our souls in times of trouble, in times of glad, and in times of sorrow. "with God all things are possible." "everything is possible for those who believe" God's word sent to the ears of those who live in the depths of poverty and deep deep spiritual darkness. He continued to encourage us by taking us right back into Isaiah 43:13, "When I act, who can reverse it?" The emotion was building in me as he continued to encourage us all by the mighty power of our awesome God.
At one point he had all of the parents stand who were supporting their children to go to school to get an education. The parents standing were scarce in comparison to the people there. Pastor had the Americans stand and told them to look at us, he said, 'these people had to have courage and confidence in God to travel to Mozambique. It is a long hard travel but they had confidence in God to get them here." Boy was he right about one thing and that was our faith and confidence that God had sent us here. His words became more rapid and louder, he was beginning to drive his point home. We can trust in God. He can do all things. He is Powerful. He is Mighty! Only God can change a man's heart. Pastor then gave the example in Daniel with the 3 amigos in the blazing furnace. Can you imagine? Not even smelling like smoke? Who was that 4th person? Anyone who calls upon, that is anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. My heart was racing at this truth that takes many of us so long to embrace. It is amazing that God would love us so much to do the impossible in our lives.
Coming into the finish he led to us think about the things that are pure and lovely, and honorable, the things of excellence and praiseworthy. Do not flee to the witchdoctor, do not trust in the things of this world and culture but run to the Lord. Because He can do all things. He can and will do the impossible when you believe. Let your faith not falter and be weak but press in, lean hard on the love of God. He is faithful to the end.
The Holy Spirit was present. It was quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Every child sat in silence. One mother's voice came forth..... singing..... as a prayer.....Obrigado Deus Poderoso..... Thank You God, You are powerful. The tears were running down our faces. This was a mother whose children have seen the promises of God. Two are in college, one to be a doctor and the other just starting. This mother sang the song of thankfulness for her own life as she struggles with sickness. She was leading us, calling us to trust this God who has done the impossible in this village.
It is such a privilege to be here. Thank you for walking this journey with me. I know you pray for me because everyday is difficult and without your support many days I would just pack up and come home. We get sick often and yet the laughter rolls out of our home from the joys of living life and serving our Mighty King on the sandy soil of Mozambique.