A kiss for the hands that have packed the food to save lives.
11,880 meals were delivered to 3 church plants in northern Mozambique!
150 blankets were donated to be handed out at the food distribution.
Pastor Jeronimo and Noemia Cessito
She is at it again! Noemia a young missionary woman came to Mozambique from Brazil many years ago, met a man named Jeronimo and the rest is history. She has been here longer than she lived in Brazil so wouldn't that make her Mozambican? Never the less Noemia is vivacious, charismatic, has a great voice and uses it to glorify the Lord.
And most importantly she loves the Lord with all of her heart, mind, soul and strength.
A week ago last Thursday she packed a van with 14 of her best leaders, loaded a huge rental truck with generators, clothing, 150 blankets and 11,880 meals and took off for a training in northern Mozambique. Fearlessly she and her team managed to minister to over 300 families and most likely twice that many children.
Before she left she told me that an American woman had heard that it was the coldest here than it has ever been in this area and she felt that God told her to donate money for blankets. Noemia received the money, went straight to town to barter with the vendors there to buy 100 blankets for the $1,000 donated and walked out of the store with 150 blankets. We both just squeeled with joy at what God would do to warm the hearts of His children.
In Marromeu, there was teaching for the church plant leaders on how to handle a service. What happens first, second, worship songs, and praise songs, everything needed to have an orderly service. Crafts and bible stories for the children with supplies that were donated from American teams and church's. Women's bible study and leadership training. The youth and teenagers were also taught scriptures and played games, just like any youth group from around the world.
After the three church's had been visited, God's word shared, teaching done, hundred's of people fed, sleepless nights for the travelers, food, blankets and clothing donated they all started their trek back home to Dondo.
Many comments have been made by those who traveled with the Pastor's wife. One statement that blessed me by a young man, "God was glorified." Isn't that what we are here to do? Isn't that the goal of every heart serving him well?
Thank you Noemia for your love for His people! Thank you that you spend endless hours each month, week and day to help the poor, the widow's and the orphans. Thank you that you answered the call to go to Mozambique as a laborer because the harvest is ready. Thank you God that you gave us Noemia and Pastor to lead us here at the project of Ray of Light.
August 10th is Noemia's birthday... send her a birthday wish!
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