Children's Relief International

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. speak up and judge fairly defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Untouchables of the Deep Forrest

  There has been a lot of media in the last year about water wells and their importance of bringing clean water into villages in 3rd world countries.  What Children's Relief International is doing is bringing water wells to villages and areas where the people of the Untouchables of the Deep Forest can not drink from the water wells of another caste.  This brings a question to the people's minds.  "Who would give the untouchables clean water to drink?  They are not worthy of clean water, they certainly can not drink from our wells."  But God........ I love that phrase......  But God!  It is our God who has led us to minister to the hearts of the followers of Christ in the Deep Forest.  The numbers are small, but they are growing.

Anath and his brother Pastor Isaiah
The "G" Brother's

  Pastor Isaiah is the son of a well known pastor in the Rajamundry area giving him credibility with other's in the area.  But Pastor Isaiah has also earned his own recognition with the government by receiving an honorable award for service to the community.  Pastor Isaiah has a vision to have 100 church plants in the deep forest and to evangelize many to come to know Christ.  I wish you could know him.  His gentle smile and warm heart that just exueds the love of Jesus.  That presence of Jesus in him just draws you towards him and what he has to say.
Worship Leader/Pastor of a small church in the Deep Forrest
Ministering to the poorest of the poor in India
the Untouchables.

  One of the most vivid stories that Pastor Isaiah shared with us was about a family that worshipped a tree.  One day Pastor Isaiah and his brother Ananth came across a family sitting around a tree worshipping the tree and the brother's asked, "What are you doing?"  The father of the family responded by saying that the tree had provided everything for them.  The tree had given them shade from the sun, fruit for their hunger and branches for burning to prepare their meals, that birds would rest in the branches and they could capture the birds for meals, it provided wood to make their home and the list went on.  Well, as time would tell the story, the tree died and no longer provided all of the things that they had become so dependant upon.  The brother's were passing by one day and saw that their tree had been destroyed and sat to talk with them offering a god that would provide for their every need and they came to know Christ through the witness of the brother's.  The tree family had seen their work in the village and saw that the God that they served was a good and loving god and they wanted to know more about that God.

Another Pastor with an amazing testimony
  One more of the many stories that Pastor and his brother shared with us is about a witch doctor of one of the 12 villages where they have a church plant.  As I understand and remember the story, there is a woman who at one time was a witch doctor and she would mock the christians as they would go to church.  One day she got sick and she called upon all of her gods to heal her and she was getting more sick and near death and the christians from the near by church came to her to help her.  The witchdoctor told the christians that all of the gods she worshipped chose not to heal her and she asked if their god would.  They took her to the church and there she gave her life to Christ and you already know the rest of the story.  She accepted Christ!  And........ she was healed!  Testimonies like this bring other people from the deep forest into the kingdom.  In a land where there is an idol to worship for everything.  A country where the people serve other gods, the work of man's hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear or eat or smell.  When distress came upon her, the witchdoctor ran to the Lord your God and heard the call of His voice.  For the Lord our God is a compassionate God; He will not fail, nor destroy, nor forget the covenant with our fathers which He swore to them.  God is working everywhere in the world.  He is everywhere!  And He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  What an amazing God we serve.  I love being His kid and servant.

The goal is to support more pastors of the Untouchables in the Deep Forrest of India.
Pray about how God can use you in His work!

There are more pictures available on my FB page.

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