Children's Relief International

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. speak up and judge fairly defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Whatcha doin?

  Ever wonder what us missionaries do while we are gone?  I have to admit I never share enough of the really great success' of our being overseas and the difference that it makes in the lives of those God puts before us.

  Remember Ercilio?  Young guy, typical Mozambican boy.  Well 7 years later he is this great guy and a huge heart for the young men and women in Mozambique.  Val and I have spent endless hours talking, mentoring and encouraging this guy to be all that God has for him.  Please don't think I am trying to take any credit, cause I know better... it's not us and it's all God.

  Ercilio's heart to give hope, lead and encourage other young guys through his Sparks Handball ministry, is on an endless journey of success and God being glorified.  And, young men coming to know Christ and follow HIM!  In the last year Ercilio has become a National Leader with Children's Relief International, sponsored by Americans like you and me to go forth into the world proclaiming the gospel.

  He now, 7 years later is ministering to over 50 kids.... boys and girls.  He has started a mentoring program, helping guys and girls go to school, college and a Tech School close to Dondo.  He shared with me the other day, "Big Mamma, can you believe it?  We have 5 guys going to college and 7 going to Tech School!  This is a blessing!  Thank you for helping us get started."  Words like this..... oh they are music to my ears.

  Each and every one of you who reads this, prays for us and sends your financial support, just know You, WE... are making a difference... even just for one...... but so many more when that ONE is shared!

Big Mamma

English Revised Version
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.

This picture was taken in 2010 of the team Ercilio started.
Since that time his ministry has grown to over 50 young adults, men and women.
These kids hearing the gospel preached, bible studies taught and the spirit of
fighting and winning as a warrior for the King!
If God is for us.... who can be against us!

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