Our first stop was to visit Mudpath's ministry led by Smriti Maity. An Indian woman around 50 years old with the nickname, "Mighty Mouse" given to her by the CRI office. Born a Hindu and she became a christian at a young age with the help of a missionary from YWAM. Just from the stories that had been told of her I had this image that she would be a warrior of sorts and I fell short of what this woman's mold is really made of.
Smriti a long time servant of the King has been walking the slums of Kolkata for years sharing the name of Jesus. You might think, "that doesn't sound like such a big deal, we do it here all the time." And I didn't think too much of it either until I walked into the sunlight of the streets of Kolkata myself.
If you know anything about India and this area alone of Kolkata, there is a darkness that I can't put into words. The culture of India is a mishmash of mythology, the cast system and the worship of thousands of idols. The god of Kali from the Kalaghat area where we stayed is somewhat worshipped as the worshippers earthly mother, bringing her requests, and praying for prosperity among other things. This makes me sick to my stomach even to think about it as I write this. The hopelessness of praying to a piece of stone. This stone is only one of many of the idols that we encountered while in this district of town.
Our first day in town was a holi-day. A day that spring is celebrated with many colors of powder that is strewn, thrown and sprayed on homes, people and animals. It is their way of celebrating the change of season and spreading good luck on each other. After checking out a few shops and a short walk around the business area it was back to the hotel for some pizza. Thank goodness, some food I know how to handle.
Day 2 - Smriti came with our driver and off we went to the Pre-school that she runs with the help of 4 other workers. There they have around 20 children who are totally being blessed by the work of this group of people. These children are fed hot meals 2x's a week at school, have uniforms, are learning about animals, vegetables, songs and their numbers. They are learning how to write their ABC's and most importantly they are hearing the name of Jesus spoken as the one true God and the only God needed. On a regular basis children are turned away from the program because of funding.
The goal for this part of the project is to be able to feed the children 5x's a week a hot meal. All of these children are from the slums. They had no idea what vegetables were or had they ever had chicken before they came to Smriti's school. Sunday school is also provided in this slum area.
Another part of this slum is a Saturday sports program and it involves any child that wants to participate. Some Saturday's there are up to 100 kids there to play and hear the name of Jesus being spoken. Pray with me that their ears and hearts will be open to receive the Word of God.
The goal for this part of the project is more funding to provide equipment, materials and snacks.
Day 3 - This day was a bit more difficult for me because of the nature of the background of the children. Our driver picked us up and off we headed to the red-light district of Kalighat. There are two ministries here that we visited dealing with the children of prostitutes and a few of the women themselves.
The rooms are dark and dirty but the laughter and singing covered up the signs of dispair in the children's voices. At the "After School Program" children are learning that they are important, that they are worthy, that they do not have to end up in the profession that their mother's and auntie's have. Smriti helps find those who want to work a job in a safe enviornment. The students are learning that getting an education is important and that their lives are not just destined to living in the red-light district. They are learning that they do not have to remain in the lower cast, they can have a future with the hope of Jesus. There can be freedom.
One young beautiful girl by the name of Sonia jumped up as we walked into the room wanting to greet us. I would imagine she would be the age of around 12 years old. She is definitely the age to be working as a prostitute, but by God's grace has not been sold into prostitution yet. Sonia is pretty much on her own even though she lives with her mother, she is responsible for getting her own meals and cooking for other's as well. Sonia's mother has several names for her other than what her heart would desire to be called, "dear one, my precious child, you who are beautiful" It breaks my heart just thinking about the abuse she has already seen in her life. I am so thankful for the heart of Smriti to offer Sonia love, respect and a word of encouragement. I am so thankful that Sonia is hearing about the never ending love of Jesus and that she can know that Jesus will never leave her or forsake her no matter what happens. We will always run towards those who protect us. Let's pray that Sonia will see that God is her protector.
Each Sunday there is also a Sunday School program for these 20 or so children.
The goal for this program would be funding to rent a larger space and expand the program so more children could attend and find refuge.
One last stop for our group on Day 3, at the bible study for prostitutes. I wasn't sure just what I could get pictures of, so I chose with discresion when to pull out my camera. The alley to the rooms were dark and damp and had a heavy scent of incense. It was a noisy area, I can't remember what the noises were specifically because the noise in my own head was shouting, "My God, this isn't right!" My passion for this part of the project is huge. My heart breaks for the women and children who are pushed, sold, abused, beaten and down right lied to. This is part of life in India in this cast system. Prostitution is real, it kills, the sin and evil one seeks to kill and destroy and it is legal in India. My hearts deepest desire is for the women and children of the Mudpath's ministry to know that there is redemption, I want them to hear about a God who loves them so much that He designed them to be His image bearer's. I want them to know that there is a power much stronger than the one's they have lived under, that there is victory and one day Jesus will stand before them with open arms and call them His beloved. I await for this day for myself and in the meantime, I must tell them, I must be a part of the solution. Even if it is just for one, it must be done.
Kolkata is also known for the Missionaries of Charity where Mother Theresa walked and lived. It was here on these same streets where she fed the dying, cared for the orphans and helped the widows. Mother Theresa has played a huge role in the acceptance and movement of the christian belief in the Indian culture. Indians are afraid of becoming Christians because they will be rejected by their families. Mother Theresa left an undeniable mark on mankind where ever she went because of the love she had and showed to others. These are two of Mother Theresa's many many inspirational quotes: "If only one little unhappy child is made happy with the love of Jesus, tell me, will it not be worth all of us giving all for that?" and one more that I love, "Carry me into the holes of the poor."
Smriti Maity is a warrior, a hero, and a world changer for Jesus. This is my next assignment in India. Prayerfully consider helping support this worthy cause.
With many blessings come much responsibility.
If you know anything about India and this area alone of Kolkata, there is a darkness that I can't put into words. The culture of India is a mishmash of mythology, the cast system and the worship of thousands of idols. The god of Kali from the Kalaghat area where we stayed is somewhat worshipped as the worshippers earthly mother, bringing her requests, and praying for prosperity among other things. This makes me sick to my stomach even to think about it as I write this. The hopelessness of praying to a piece of stone. This stone is only one of many of the idols that we encountered while in this district of town.
Our first day in town was a holi-day. A day that spring is celebrated with many colors of powder that is strewn, thrown and sprayed on homes, people and animals. It is their way of celebrating the change of season and spreading good luck on each other. After checking out a few shops and a short walk around the business area it was back to the hotel for some pizza. Thank goodness, some food I know how to handle.
The goal for this part of the project is to be able to feed the children 5x's a week a hot meal. All of these children are from the slums. They had no idea what vegetables were or had they ever had chicken before they came to Smriti's school. Sunday school is also provided in this slum area.
Another part of this slum is a Saturday sports program and it involves any child that wants to participate. Some Saturday's there are up to 100 kids there to play and hear the name of Jesus being spoken. Pray with me that their ears and hearts will be open to receive the Word of God.
The goal for this part of the project is more funding to provide equipment, materials and snacks.
Day 3 - This day was a bit more difficult for me because of the nature of the background of the children. Our driver picked us up and off we headed to the red-light district of Kalighat. There are two ministries here that we visited dealing with the children of prostitutes and a few of the women themselves.
The rooms are dark and dirty but the laughter and singing covered up the signs of dispair in the children's voices. At the "After School Program" children are learning that they are important, that they are worthy, that they do not have to end up in the profession that their mother's and auntie's have. Smriti helps find those who want to work a job in a safe enviornment. The students are learning that getting an education is important and that their lives are not just destined to living in the red-light district. They are learning that they do not have to remain in the lower cast, they can have a future with the hope of Jesus. There can be freedom.
Each Sunday there is also a Sunday School program for these 20 or so children.
The goal for this program would be funding to rent a larger space and expand the program so more children could attend and find refuge.
One last stop for our group on Day 3, at the bible study for prostitutes. I wasn't sure just what I could get pictures of, so I chose with discresion when to pull out my camera. The alley to the rooms were dark and damp and had a heavy scent of incense. It was a noisy area, I can't remember what the noises were specifically because the noise in my own head was shouting, "My God, this isn't right!" My passion for this part of the project is huge. My heart breaks for the women and children who are pushed, sold, abused, beaten and down right lied to. This is part of life in India in this cast system. Prostitution is real, it kills, the sin and evil one seeks to kill and destroy and it is legal in India. My hearts deepest desire is for the women and children of the Mudpath's ministry to know that there is redemption, I want them to hear about a God who loves them so much that He designed them to be His image bearer's. I want them to know that there is a power much stronger than the one's they have lived under, that there is victory and one day Jesus will stand before them with open arms and call them His beloved. I await for this day for myself and in the meantime, I must tell them, I must be a part of the solution. Even if it is just for one, it must be done.
Kolkata is also known for the Missionaries of Charity where Mother Theresa walked and lived. It was here on these same streets where she fed the dying, cared for the orphans and helped the widows. Mother Theresa has played a huge role in the acceptance and movement of the christian belief in the Indian culture. Indians are afraid of becoming Christians because they will be rejected by their families. Mother Theresa left an undeniable mark on mankind where ever she went because of the love she had and showed to others. These are two of Mother Theresa's many many inspirational quotes: "If only one little unhappy child is made happy with the love of Jesus, tell me, will it not be worth all of us giving all for that?" and one more that I love, "Carry me into the holes of the poor."
Smriti Maity is a warrior, a hero, and a world changer for Jesus. This is my next assignment in India. Prayerfully consider helping support this worthy cause.
With many blessings come much responsibility.
How does our heart respond to this inside look at the injustice in the world? Thank You, Lord, that this is not me, or my daughters! But that does not change the reality that this is some women's reality :( And now we know. Now I am responsible for my knowledge and response. I want to help these children get meals 5 Xs a week!!!! I want to help the Saturday games time, which draws 100 children, to have equipment and snacks and to hear the Name of Jesus, who saves!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is more to this life than what we see in America. So thankful that CRI gives us an inside look, even tho heart sickening. But we can help. We can come along side of a warm Christian woman who lives amongst the poor and needy. The destitute.
Proverbs 21:13 "If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered."
Lord help me to not just hear, but to respond. Thank you Kathy, for letting us hear the voice of the poor.