Children's Relief International

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. speak up and judge fairly defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

Friday, December 2, 2011

"You called? I am here!"

  A name is called, “Lucia Fernando Ginsinca “ “I am here!” responding with force so that she would not be overlooked.  Each name called, a person stands, opens their bag and the rice packets are dropped in.  Everyone helping each other, this must make Jesus smile.  I know it does me.

  I watched as she very carefully laid her capalana (a piece of material that is used for many things ie: a wrap around shirt, a head covering, to carry bundles of goods and many many other helps for a Mozambican woman) her capalana in place on the ground near her to lay one of her twins.  He was a bit fussy.  The family had come to receive food from the containers and they had been sitting waiting for several hours. This food packed by thousands of Americans in Minnesota that took their time and resources to feed people that they will never see face to face.

Today again we had the privilege to feed the blind community of Maffarinha.  And today I met a sweet family of 6.  Lucia is the mother and she has 5 children, 7, 5, twin 2 year old’s and one being absent today.  Lucia has been blind since she was 14, she is a widow now.  She has no home, she lives with other family since her husband died.  Lucia was very happy to hear about the American church who blessed them. And more importantly that many of them are still praying for each family that receives the food.
  "Lord, today we thank You for Wooddale and their service to our Mighty King.  Lord may You richly bless all of the helpers of the Million meals above and beyond what they could have ever hoped for or imagined."

  Isaiah 25:8  The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all      the earth.


Big Mamma

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