Cipriano 06/24/1982-06/11/2012 |
"This is a first generation of Christians here at this church so we had to ask the entire family immediately after the death if they wanted to follow the culture traditions or our Christian beliefs" Pastor Jeronimo
Val and I had no idea that last Sunday would be the last time that we would set eyes on our dear friend Cipriano. Cipriano was a leader at our church. He was a trusted man with 5 children and a wife that he cared for. He was going to school at night after he finished his security job in Dondo and then would travel to his home in Centro Emissor, 4klm north by bike.
Monday was the last anyone would see his smile and know his gentleness as Cipriano was killed on his way home from school around 9pm. A car passing by hit him on his bike and threw him. We are told he was killed instantly. This was the journey of the next 3 days of walking with our church in the grief of losing this great man who fought the good fight of running the race.
Cipriano's death has been hard for me these last few days. He was one of my first friends at our little stone and mud church in the bush. His love for God and his family and church family was obvious in his actions. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him and had any encounters with him.
Part of the tradition of death here is for all to spend time with the family in their home. To sit with the one's who are grieving, pray and sing songs of worship until the funeral. Usually this is the next day but because Cipriano was killed, there had to be an investigation and that slowed the process to an extra day.
As we walked towards Cipriano's home on Tuesday for the visitation of the family our pace slowed down. We had picked up Pastor Zito and I sensed that he was preparing for what we would encounter. He had spent the night before with the family after the tragic accident so he already had seen the faces of his family. Today would be the encounter with the entire family, village friends and church.
When Val and I entered the area of the house, Luisa, (women's leader of our church) entered the doorway and began to cry in a loud voice, "Cipriano is gone sisters, Cipriano is gone!" The wail of grief permeated the premises. His wife jump up and was screaming, "My Cipriano is gone, my Cipriano is gone, he's gone already!" As I held her in my arms we both sobbed uncontrollably. I felt her grief come upon my own body. I pray that it was taking some of her sorrow away from her. Luisa laid her back down on the floor and covered her body in the grieving cloth.
With Cipriano's wife lay their son, a daughter (two older children) and Cipriano's mother. (children under the age of 12 are not allowed to participate in funerals because of the possibility of experiencing shock) The grieving tradition is to cover your body so other's can not see you crying. Friends come and sit close and comfort the family while other's sing. The room was full, it was dark, the floor covered with women and outside women preparing food, gathering water for the day for cooking and cleaning. Death is a community event and everyone takes the time to be part in some way.
I remember one of the songs we sang was in the tribal language Senna. The words are, "Lord we love Your Wisdom." Give us Your wisdom Lord. God is the only one who can comfort. Waves of grief and crying would come and then God's mercy of grace would wave through and then there would be calm. As a friend, I want to help. I don't' know what that is. I don't believe Cipriano's wife knows what that is. I don't know how she will survive these first few days, weeks, months without the warmth and love of her husband and friend, her protector and provider here on earth. What I do know is that because Cipriano led his family well, he led them to Christ and they will one day get up and joy will come back into their faces because of Christ.
Pray with me for this family. Theresa and their 5 children. Pray for comfort, peace, that their faith will be increased to lean on our Great Father and they will see the hand of God provide for them.
Another great soldier in the presence of the Holy One.
Big Mamma